Underworld Rally Tickets

Rally FAQ

Rally FAQs

What if you have to cancel?

Don’t worry! In the unlikely event we do have to cancel you can choose to either keep your ticket for the following year or we can refund you.

Will there be any tickets left on the gate?

We have sold out many times in past years, best not risk it.

In the event of tickets being sold out, the usual practice is for spare tickets to be advertised for sale on the Underworld Rally Facebook event page. It is customary to ask for the face value of the tickets.  

Can I bring my dog/penguin/antelope/gnu/pet to the rally?

I'm afraid not. Although the purple people are very fond of most furry critters, our insurance doesn't cover us to have them on site. And yes, we know your pooch is the best-behaved animal ever to walk the earth and he/she shits daisies and has a bark that sounds like angels farting. It's still a NO!

Can I get naked?

HELL YEAH!!!  The purple people openly encourage nakedness of any kind.

Beware though. Waving your willy at our bar staff won't necessarily get you served any quicker

Can I pay with my credit/Debit card at the bar?

YES!!!  No need to worry about losing money or needing to nip off site to the cash machine. Both bars will be accepting card payments.

Are fires permitted?

No. We ask that you don't have fires (even if they are off the ground) anywhere on site.

Are there any disabled facilities?

Yes. There are disabled loos, and we have a dedicated area for disabled camping (Blue badge must be displayed at all times). You don't have to pitch your tent in this area, but if you are in a car, it won't be allowed onto the main camping area.

Will there be any day passes available?

No. Our licence only allows us to have a certain amount of people at the rally and that number will have been reached.

Are kids allowed on the rally?

Absolutely. Under 13's are free if accompanied by an adult. Obviously, no one under the age of 18 will be able to get served alcohol. If they try, we may have to feed them to Fred. We operate a challenge 21 policy. If your little cherubs are over 18 but look younger than 21 get them to take ID. We'd love to watch them fall over in a drunken stupor with the rest of the party animals.

There has been a lot of thieving at other rallies. Do you have any security?

Oh, hell yes. We have 24hr security patrols. a tent tag system (we'll explain that when you book in), and all bikes will be checked in and out all weekend. YOU CAN HELP US HELP YOU! Don't leave anything in your tent that's worth nicking, sleep with your valuables in the bottom of your sleeping bag, always wear your wristband and help the marshals if they try and identify you as a genuine rally guest. If anyone is caught stealing at our rally, the body parts that are left over will be put in a black bin bag and handed to the police for processing.